04. Video: Latent Features

Latent Features

Latent Features

Latent features are features that aren't explicitly in your dataset.

In this example, you saw that the following features are all related to the latent feature home size:

  1. lot size
  2. number of rooms
  3. floor plan size
  4. size of garage
  5. number of bedrooms
  6. number of bathrooms

Similarly, the following features could be reduced to a single latent feature of home neighborhood:

  1. local crime rate
  2. number of schools in five miles
  3. property tax rate
  4. local median income
  5. average air quality index
  6. distance to highway

So even if our original dataset has the 12 features listed, we might be able to reduce this to only 2 latent features relating to the home size and home neighborhood.